ICUK Status

View Open Incidents And Scheduled Maintenance

All systems are operational.

System Status

Broadband Operational
Control Panel Operational
Hosting Operational
Leased Lines Operational
Mail Operational
Network Operational
Spam Filtering Operational
Telecoms Operational
VPS Operational

Scheduled Maintenance

London Hosting Data Centre Maintenance 24/07/2024 21:00Scheduled on 24/07/2024 21:00

Scheduled [15/07/2024 14:27]

We have been advised by our London Hosting Data Centre partner that they will be performing essential upgrades to some of the core network switches present to bring them in line to their current high speed data centre standard.

During this window from 9PM to 5AM, all traffic headed into, or out of this data centre via these switches may be degraded for the duration of the work.

This may affect access to shared, dedicated and VPS hosting services, and access to our Control Panel.

Incident History
0345 00 99 175
ICUK Computing Services Ltd
© 2001 - 2024
0345 00 99 175
ICUK Computing Services Ltd
© 2001 - 2024