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DC5 Outage - Leased Line & Web Hosting Affecting07/10/2024 19:42

Resolved [21/10/2024 21:03]

Update [07/10/2024 22:09]

All impacted services should be back online including broadband, leased lines, web hosting and control panel facilities.

The issue was caused by a partial power failure within one of our London data centres impacting multiple aisles, including some of our own.

We will work with the facility to fully understand the issue, and the corrective measures they intend to make to avoid this being repeated again.

We will continue to monitor services closely overnight. Apologies for the disruption caused.

Update [07/10/2024 21:15]

Sorry that we have not been able to share more details about the outage. The data centre staff have been focusing on the issue, and we have had no communication to share.

In more positive news we are starting to see some of our racks, servers and services return.

Further updates to follow.

Identified [07/10/2024 20:16]

It looks like a power issue is impacting the centre. Further details will be shared once fully understood.

Some broadband customers may have had their sessions interrupted. Power cycle the router to restore a session via another POP in our network. We are seeing sessions restoring.

Investigating [07/10/2024 19:42]

There is a known issue impacting service at DC5 data centre in London. It is affecting web hosting services and some leased lines. We will share further updates once understood.

Current Status

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